Who is the primary contact person for the project?

Step 1

Ormuco - Empowering Your Business with Intelligent Software

At Ormuco, we aim to empower your business with the best software to build top services. Please tell us more about your project so we can better support you.

Cost Comparison for Ormuco Stack

When you choose Ormuco software, you’re offering top-rated cloud services to your customers at a fair price. See this cost comparison for Ormuco Stack versus Amazon Web Services and Azure. It shows the cost for a single virtual machine with 2 CPU cores, 4GB of memory, and 200GB of storage.

Ormuco Offers a Complete Experience

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Let’s Build Your Ormuco Quote

Ormuco Stack

(includes $13.68 of hardware and colocation costs)

As low as 




(F2, LRS)

(F2, LRS)



(includes $13.68 of hardware and colocation costs)

(ST1 and C4)

(F2, LRS)


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Watch this video to see how Ormuco simplifies customer support.

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Ormuco Stack Is More Than a Virtualization Solution, It’s a Complete Experience

In August 2018, FinancesOnline’s experts analyzed the various benefits that Ormuco Stack features bring to businesses and how the solution stands out on the market.

Not only the results were positive, but also the review team found Ormuco fitting to win their
Great User Experience and Rising Star awards for 2018.

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